Dominican Time vs. Real Time
In a comment on my previous post, Yamaya asked about punctuality in Zaragoza. Yes, in general Spaniards are very punctual, and more as it relates to Dominican Time. What is Dominican Time? Well, if you were going to meet up with your friends at 10pm and you jump into the shower 5 minutes before 10pm and the bar is at least a 15 min drive away, then you are on Dominican time. It's like Allan said in another comment and I'm paraphasing, but he'll say he's 5 mins away even if he's 20 mins away. For Europeans and Americans who value their time, punctuality is very important.So, it comes as no surprise that the first time they visit DR, the time thing throws them off. But after a while they pick it up on it.
Comments and questions are more than welcome
(In the image, the very busy corner of El Coso and Plaza de EspaƱa in Zaragoza, Spain)